Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Who needs them!

Have you ever watched "How I met your mother"? If not, I strongly suggest it! I like Barney (Neil Patrick Harris). He has got to be the funniest character of the bunch. And the attribute I like the most??? He never takes a bad picture! No matter what the situation he looks like this…

I wish I could do that! But, alas, nope. My super power works in the opposite way. I can get dressed up, look in the mirror, look fantastic. Men will honk their horns (ya, who am I kidding, that hasn't happened in at least 10 years!). I get in front of a camera and I look like this…

Or this…

The only exception is maybe my wedding pictures. But that was at least an hour of makeup. And really who looks bad in a wedding dress!

Ok, maybe some people.

Which brings me to pregnancy. I have a big mommy group and most people do these amazing maternity photos and they look awesome and glowing and all the other fantastic things that I could only wish to look like after a day at the salon! I look at their photos and wish I could capture the moment like they have.

So instead I did my belly cast. I love it! I did three when I was pregnant with Demi. Pregnancy casts don't show the double chin, swollen ankles, extra cushin on my rear! So this is how I celebrate my pregnancy.

The one on the left is the new one, not yet painted and complete. The one on the right is the completed one I did when pregnant with Demi.

Really me,
Procreating mama

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