Monday, November 22, 2010

Back by Popular Demand

Ha ha, ya, in my imagination maybe. But I am back. There has been a lot going on since I left. And there are a whole bunch of things that are going to happen very shortly!

You know, little things like Demi is turning 2 this weekend!!...




Ya, that's pretty much what's been on my mind lately. How the heck am I going to manage with another little person running around. I've barely made it in to the 'terrible twos' and now what have I gone and done?! Our little princess who was so quiet and played by herself, has now developed an attitude to rival my own! (Is it any wonder really?!)

But who am I kidding, she is still the sweetest thing since Splenda! She is now talking up a storm, and most of the time we get what she's saying. She can count to 10, and she can almost say all of the ABCs. Those darn LMNOP always throw her off! And now she will get to be a big sister!

So I look forward to writing some more entries, and keeping on top of the game. Look for some Christmas recipes and crafts to come, some more 30 min meals, and some more sarcasm as usual.

Really me,
Knocked up

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