Sunday, April 4, 2010

Let it Grow Let it Grow Let it Grow

Spring has sprung again. The sun is going down later, and rising earlier. The birds are singing, the bugs are buzzing (ick!). And I am planning my garden for this year. Even though C is only 16 months old I thought this was a good time to give her a little gardening lesson, and put her in charge of her own living object. I went to Dollarama and picked up these neat little plants in a cup.

The little cup comes with a peat moss pellet, 3 seeds (they have several plant options available) and a peat moss cup so that you can re-plant your seedlings outside. All you have to do is remove the seeds, pour some water over the peat moss pellet and once it expands plant your seeds. As we went through all the step I explained everything to C.

"This is the bed your flowers will live in. Push the seeds into their bed and cover them up to keep them warm. We have to give them enough water to grow big and tall, but not too much so they drown. We put the cups on the window ledge because flowers love the sun. etc."

You may even think that that is too much for a 16 month old to understand, but I can assure you that on some basic level they are understanding what you're saying. I'm sure of this because every morning we co
me downstairs and I ask her where her flowers are. She goes running into the kitchen, up to the window ledge and with a big smile on her face she yells;

"Der dey is!" (For anybody who doesn't understand toddler talk, that translates to 'there they is'... we're working on grammar next.)

We water them when the dirt feels dry using a water bottle with a pin prick in the cap. This allows C to hold the bottle and 'pour' it, but it also lets mommy monitor the amount going in ;)

Here's my princess with her 10 day old sunflowers... we're
still waiting on the bird house gourd.

Really me,
The gardener's assistant

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